Ashrita's Egg Balancing Act

Ashrita and the eggs

He broke the record of 420 eggs in 7 hrs. 33 minutes and finished at 700 eggs in a little over 12 hours.


Ashrita set a Guinness World Record on October 29, 2006 for simultaneously balancing 700 eggs. He achieved his latest record here at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in the Metcalf Lecture Hall above the Design Store.

He was inspired to do it at RISD because he sees it as a type of performance art. The current record is 420 eggs.

From the Press Release:

Over the last 25 years, Ashrita, the holder of the most Guinness records, has set or beaten a total of 119 records in numerous categories. Ashrita's records usually involve a physical challenge such as somersaulting the greatest distance (12 miles) or doing the most abdominal crunches in one hour (9,628) but in the case of the egg record, concentration will be the key. Ashrita expects the record attempt to take anywhere from 5 to 7 hours. Needless to say everyone in the room will be walking on eggshells until the record is broken!

Ashrita balances eggs

Top Right Photo by Sharani - Lower Left Photo by Salil


Related Links

Ashrita's Previous Record Earlier This Month

Ashrita's Website

My Online Photo Album with Pictures from the Event


I will write more as the day progresses. Live from Providence, it's Sharani's blog!

Ashrita was on the 6 pm news with 3 lead-ins to the story and a finishing shot of a close-up announcing to stay tuned at 11 pm to hear if he breaks the record.

He was on the 11 pm news again and on a different channel on the early morning news the day after. The media television coverage was eggscellent with all kinds of egg related puns in the reporting of the story.

Congratulations Ashrita!